Monday, August 20, 2012

What was the most influential moment in human history?

Time is fascinating to me.  The need to mark events and understand our current place in reference to some anchor.  I remember back before cell phones.  When my friends and I would attend an outdoor concert. We would use some physical feature at a given location and a specific time to meet.  Once you arrived at the venue there was nothing that you could use to communicate your location with anyone that you wanted to meet at the event.

“Meet me at the giant inflatable Bud Lite can.”... Generally speaking the most visible feature at an outdoor event.

Human history really is no different.  We need some system to mark our place.  We currently spend our days in the year 2012.  That’s 2012 times that the earth has traveled around the sun since some point in history.

The Hebrew Patriarch Abraham’s life is estimated from 1976-1801 BC.  All three of the world’s major monotheistic faiths find their roots in Abraham’s story.  The Hebrews great liberator from Egyptian oppression Moses lived from 1391–1271 BC.  Siddhattha Gotama... the man that we have come to know as the founder of Buddhism lived from 563 to 483 BC.  Muhammad the founder of Islam lived from 570 to 632 AD.

Which begs the question for me.  What common point in human history could be so significant as to serve as this reference?

The answer of course is controversial... if one really presses it.  The birth of a poor Jewish carpenter to an unwed teenager in ancient Israel.  How could it possibly be that such a small life could have stretched across so much of our known history. No matter what you believe about him... you have to carefully consider how that’s possible.

Don’t you?

Book References:

Who is that man?, by John Ortberg

Audio References:
Who was this guy?,  Menlo Park Presbyterian
Who was this guy?_Learning, Menlo Park Presbyterian
Who was this guy?_Humility, Menlo Park Presbyterian
Who was this guy?_Dignity, Menlo Park Presbyterian

Monday, January 23, 2012


Really great thoughts start with about twelve feet of rope. You know those experiences in life that ordinary language just can't quite capture.

"It was like I was on fire!"

I've found in my life... this world would let me look under every spiritual rock out there for truth. Every rock that is except the one that concealed the greatest treasure.

But, I need a picture not just words... a visual metaphor to help me remember where I was. So I made this knotted ball of rope. You see these were the neurons of my mind. The over worked over stimulated synapses of my brain activity that longed for meaning and searched for it everywhere and anywhere it could.

Of course I didn't see it at the time... the world hide it behind the guise of progress or success which it suggested was my road to meaning.

How could a single religion, culture, philosophy, or practice contain an exclusive in road to truth?

Or what difference would truth make even if one could experience it?

The God the Christians believe in just wants to rob us of what brings us pleasure in this world.

Then one day in the fall of 2003 I found myself standing at the edge of my life. As I stood there it seemed as though I could for one brief moment see around to the other side. And there on the edge of my existence just like the most extraordinary sunset along the most beautiful shore stood this carpenter for Nazareth. As the sky touch the earth I could sense my past and my future in one moment... and Jesus said "follow me". So I did and then began the extraordinary process of untangling this mess.

Digging Deeper...

Mosaic in Los Angeles has just completed an extraordinary exploration called "the truth between us". Over five weeks they dove into the worlds of Islam, Buddhism, Atheism, Hinduism, Scientology, Catholicism, Mormonism, and Judaism.

(download the series here)

The Truth Between Us- Islam

The Truth Between Us - Buddhism

The Truth Between Us – Atheism

The Truth Between Us – Hinduism

The Truth Between Us – Scientology

The Truth Between Us – Catholicism

The Truth Between Us – Mormonism

The Truth Between Us – Judaism

May we all ask our questions honestly and find the God big enough to meet you wherever you are!